The Cosmospolite - a series of sustainable shopping letters packed with links to the latest, coolest and newest brands, collections and boutiques to help you kick off your sustainable shopping spree.
February 2022
Dear peoples,
February can be the most cold & cruel month of the year. If that's the case.... we will only know over a month. For now all we can do is get prepared. Wool knitted sweaters, warm winter coats, gloves, scarves & headpieces; check?
I Curated 100+ warm, funky and cozy knits. All ethical & sustainable. Of course! Still looking for a winter coat? Have another look at last years warm winter coats style edit.
Since we all like shopping with discount, here is a short list of my favourite winter items in sale (just scroll down).
This all should save you lots of research time. Please also save another day in the life of your friend, sibling or collegue by forwarding this shopping letter to her/him/them. Use that mutual saved time to go out to dinner together 🥂.
About this season's hottest accessory; the balaclava. Got you a free balaclava knitting pattern from Wool & the Gang. It's definitely the smallest and most eye-catching item that will refresh your entire 2020 wardrobe. Rather buy a balaclava? Shop here.
Ending this long letter packed with goodness with 5 recent articles that underline why we should shop small and sustainable only. Saying bye with greetings from Portugal.
Stay Cosmic!
Love, Leonie
Knits to buy now and wear forever
The Sustainable Knitwear board is updated with lots of cardigans, sweaters, skirts, pants, coats, headpieces, gloves and scarves. They are either funky - patterned and bright coloured - or not so basic basic. Have a look!
Cozy winter items on sale
Nothing as fun as shopping during sale. Here are my favourite coats & knits in sale.
Sand coloured puffer made with recycled post consumer polyester and vegan down Embassy of Bricks and Logs from €325 for €227,50. Dark green organic wool and cotton mix knit sweater Armed Angels from €99,90 for €69,90. Baby blue ribbed wool-alpaca blend sweater Rus from €285 form €200
Lilac blue coloured puffer made with recycled post consumer polyester and vegan down Embassy of Bricks and Logs from €325 for €227. Merino wool turtleneck Baserange from €450 for €270. Lime green alpaca marino wool long scarf Ajaie Alaie from €156 for €85.
Free balaclava knitting pattern
Got you a super nice balaclava knitting pattern from Wool and the Gang for. And it's free. Download it here. Want tips to get your knitting started? Or rather buy a balaclava? Go here.
Rather buy a balaclava? Want tips and tricks to get your knitting started?
Meanwhile in the news
It's almost impossible to not escape the evidence why big fashion brands are so bad for the planet (or is that just my algorithm?).
On The Guardian you can find a list of brands that have multiple connections to an industry that props up Amazon fires and deforestation (yes it is still burning and H&M, Zara, Nike, New Balance, Adidas and more are benefitting from this)
In this IG post it's eplained why H&M and Zara are committing the worst wage theft in history.
Small sustainable brands come out best in the annual survey by independent research institute Remake our World.
This Dutch De Correspondent's article points out that small brands are often left out sustainability lists & rankings which often leads to misleading or little substantiated results.
That change is on the way is evident from the new bill that aims to hold all major brands selling in the state of New York accountable for their environmental and social impacts. If passed, the bill is expected to have powerful ripple effects across the industry.
PS. it's also winter in Portugal
It just comes with a ray of sunlight.
Tretorn natural rubber rrain boots & Vintage Levi's and fisherman's sweater. Pre-loved Scandavian knit and Dingeltje Klatergoud orange beaded sunnies chord.
Vintage Scandavian knit and Bonchey bag. Vintage fisherman's sweater with Adorn Bangle
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Stay cosmic and don't forget to save a a day in the life of your friend by forwarding this newsletter to her/his/them now.
Stay Cosmic,